Four Ways How To Spice Up Things InThe Bedroom

Are you in a relationship that seems as if it is stalled in the bedroom? If so, your first thought may be to terminate your relationship. But, what if the relationship is long-term? What if you are married, or what if you really do love your partner? What steps should you take then?

When it comes to being unhappy in the bedroom, it's important for you to know that ending a marriage or a relationship should only be used as a last approach. Instead, you will want to take steps to spice things up. Doing so may improve more than just your intimacy, but it may do wonders for your relationship in general.

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Jenis-Jenis Vagina alias Miss V Versi Arabic Kamasutra

Jenis-Jenis Vagina alias Miss V Versi Arabic Kamasutra. Pernah dengar jika vagina bisa digolongkan dalam beberapa jenis? Lewat bukunya, "Arabic Kamasutra", Muhammad Al-Baz, seorang seksolog, menggolongkan beberapa kelompok wanita berdasarkan vagina atau Miss V-nya. Buku tersebut menjelaskan bahwa jenis-jenis vagina adalah sebagai berikut:

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Kamus Istilah : Jenis Fobia Seks

Kamus Istilah : Jenis Fobia Seks. Sex can be a part of a really fun naturally. However, it can make someone stressed if hindered by a phobia of sex. There is some fear excessive in terms of sex that can be experienced by someone. What are they? The following are the terms and meaning of sexual phobias:

Jenis-Jenis Fobia Seks

- Medomalacuphobia, is afraid of losing an erection. Many men feel nervous if he was deemed unable to satisfy their partner. Was also diagnosed as phobic anxiety before having sex.

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4 Tehnik Dasar Mencium Yang Benar

Teknik Dasar Mencium. Suatu hal lebih luar biasa dan akan sangat sulit dilupakan adalah ketika aktifitas mencium benar-benar berlangsung dengan sempurna. Pertemuan antara bibir dengan bibir akan mampu membangkitkan emosi dan mengkomunasikan hasrat sepasang manusia sedemikian rupa.

Menguasai tehnik mencium adalah senjata ketika Anda melakukan foreplay dengan pasangan anda. Karena itu jangan sepelekan keterampilan mencium yang benar. Berikut ini adalah 4 teknik dasar mencium yang harus Anda kuasai hika ingin menjadi pencium ulung:

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4 Ways to Improve Your Intimacy with Your Wife

Are you married? If so, you likely luv your wife, right? Despite a deep and intense love for your wife, you may still would like to see an improvement in your intimacy. After all, what man does not wish good sex?

If you prefer to improve your intimacy with your wife, it's crucial to acknowledge that you've a number of different options. Unfortunately, several men automatically start think of the bedroom. Yes, you do want to “wow,” your wife in the bedroom, but that is not all that sex and intimacy is about. In fact, that's where many marriages go wrong. Too much focus is placed on the sex or the lack of it.

To help you properly improve your intimacy with your wife, please continue reading on. A few easy to implement, yet successful approaches are highlighted below for your convenience.

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