Kamus Istilah : Jenis Fobia Seks

Kamus Istilah : Jenis Fobia Seks. Sex can be a part of a really fun naturally. However, it can make someone stressed if hindered by a phobia of sex. There is some fear excessive in terms of sex that can be experienced by someone. What are they? The following are the terms and meaning of sexual phobias:

Jenis-Jenis Fobia Seks

- Medomalacuphobia, is afraid of losing an erection. Many men feel nervous if he was deemed unable to satisfy their partner. Was also diagnosed as phobic anxiety before having sex.

- Gymnophobia is frightened by the couple looks naked. Usually, a phobia is not only afraid of being seen without clothes, but also afraid to see the couple without clothes.

- Menophobia is fear getting cramps. Usually, women who experience these phobias fear of experiencing pain or other symptoms of PMS.

- Anuptaphobia is afraid of the status of single, or do not have a partner.

- Heterophobia sexophobia also called, is the fear of the opposite sex. It belongs to the most severe phobias in the category of sex phobia.

- Erotophobia, which is presumably the most common form of sexual phobia. Namely, the fear of all things sexual. Eantah it, questions of sexual, or sexual knowledge.

- Eurotophobia or kolopophobia, is terrified at the intimate organs of women. Eurotophobia conditions are different in each patient. Some cringe at the thought of sex organs of women, but there is also a direct feel excited.

- Tocophobia is the fear of pregnancy and birth.

- Oneirogmophobia is a fear on a wet dream.

- Coitophobia is fear in sexual activity.

No matter how strange hearing, a lot of sex phobias arise from a common situation deplorable. Starting from persecution, or a traumatic love affair. Two things can increase the anxiety that leads to a phobia of sex.

If you experience any of these phobias, immediately consult a psychiatrist or sexologists to be handled appropriately.


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